2014年9月16日 星期二

Imagining Crisis - International Creative Video Exhibition ( MOCA Taipei; 2014/09/15-10/14)

Imagining Crisis-Contemporary Aesthetics of Memento Mori

Air crash, gas explosion, international conflicts are still vivid in our mind; global warming exposes the potential crisis of human living condition gradually. These catastrophic images are not movie scenes, but our reality lurked with ubiquitous crises. We thought we could control and prevent crises by means of technology; in fact, such dangerous daily reality is the outcome of which human beings always pursue the advanced technology and neglect the negative effects.The more civilized the world is, the more complicated the human soul becomes. What the progress of technology and the richness of material life create is not necessary a life full of happiness. Driven by the ‘Death Instinct, human beings confront all kind of crisis and threats, imaging the death subconsciously. This imagination is an expression of creativity for an artist, as well as a contemporary memento mori. It deconstructs the given aesthetics. The International Creative Exhibition 'Imagining Crisis' will be presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei from September 15 till October 14, 2014. This video project has toured around the contemporary art centers in Poland, Serbia an Bulgaria. The curator Yunnia Yang invited 10 artists, 11 videos from Asia, Europe and Latin America to join this project, including experimental films, videodances, stop motions, etc. 'Imagining Crisis' departs from the anxieties of the artists about the artistic creation and the art world, our society twisting the essence of an individual very much through all kinds of mass media (including religion), and the nature pouncing on human beings for their long-term destruction. From the concrete perceptible crisis to the invisible, metaphysical, imaginative crisis, these creative artists embody the eccentric aesthetics of imagining the death.

Exhibition Information
Imagining Crisis International Creative Video Exhibition
Curator: Yunnia Yang (Taiwan)

Participating Artists:
Albert Merino(Spain) /Shahar Marcus (Israel)/Rossina Bossio(Columbia)/Ernesto Pombo&Chimene Costa(Argentina)/Kimmo Alakunnas(Finland)/Hannes Vartiainen &Pekka Veikkolainen(Finland)/Mihai Grecu(Romania)&Thibault Gleize(France)/Masahiro Tsutani(Japan)/Oliver Pietsch(Germany)/Provmyza(Galina Myznikova/ Sergey Provorov)(Russia)

International Touring Schedule

Venue/ MOCA Taipei
Date/September 15 – October 14, 2014

2. Poland
Venue/Kronika Center for Contemporary Arts, Bytom
Date/ July 11-August 23, 2014

3. Serbia
Venue/ Belgrade Cultural Center, Belgrade
Date/ July 31-August 23, 2014

4. Bulgaria
Venue/Vaska Emanouilova Gallery ( Sofia City Art Gallery Branch), Sofia
Date/ May 21, 2014

2014年9月13日 星期六

"危奇觀"國際創意影像展(台北當代藝術館MOCA Video.2014年9月15日-10月14日展出)


    空難氣爆、國際衝突歷歷在目,全球暖化亦逐漸顯露生存環境隱憂,這些災難影像並非是電影場景,真實世界中潛藏著無所不在的危機,人類以為科技文明可以掌控預防,危機四伏的日常現實卻是一味追求科技進步、忽視科技負面作用的後果。世界愈文明,人類心靈處境愈加複雜,科技進步、物質富裕所造就的未必是幸福人生,卻可能是被各種慾望所綁架的困境人生。受到弗洛伊德所謂的「死慾」(death instinct)的驅使,人類對外在環境的各種危機與威脅不由自主地對死亡產生想像,反饋到藝術家的創作中不僅是一種創意的紓解,亦是一種當代的警世寓言(memento mori),甚至解構了既有的美學語彙。2014915日至1014日於台北當代藝術館展出「危奇觀」(Imagining Crisis)國際創意影像展,已國際巡迴至波蘭、塞爾維亞、保加利亞等東歐當代藝術中心展出,策展人楊衍畇邀請來自亞洲、歐洲、拉美國家10位藝術家、11部錄像作品,涵蓋實驗電影、舞蹈錄像(Videodance)、格拍動畫(Stop motion)等類型,由藝術家對藝術創作與藝術世界的焦慮情結出發,社會透過各種大眾傳媒過度扭曲個體本質,大自然反撲人類長期的毀滅作為,從具體可感知的危機到不可見、形上的、想像的危機,由具象到抽象,體現藝術家想像死亡的奇異美學。

‘Imagining Crisis’ – International Creative Video Exhibition
楊衍畇/Yunnia Yang (台灣)

亞伯特.梅利諾(西班牙)/ 馬爾庫斯.夏哈爾(以色列)/ 羅西娜.波希歐(哥倫比亞)/ 安內斯托.&奇美妮.柯斯塔(阿根廷)/ 基默.阿拉庫納斯(芬蘭)/ 漢內斯.瓦提安奈&培卡.委可藍尼(芬蘭)/米海伊.葛雷庫(馬尼亞)&提伯特.葛雷玆(法國)/ 津谷昌弘(日本)/ 奧利.彼耶奇(德國)/藝術團體「普羅夫米薩」(俄國)
Participating Artists:
Albert Merino(Spain) /Shahar Marcus (Israel)/Rossina Bossio(Columbia)/Ernesto Pombo&Chimene Costa(Argentina)/Kimmo Alakunnas(Finland)/Hannes Vartiainen &Pekka Veikkolainen(Finland)/Mihai Grecu(Romania)&Thibault Gleize(France)/
Masahiro Tsutani(Japan)/Oliver Pietsch(Germany)/Provmyza(Galina Myznikova/ Sergey Provorov)(Russia)


1. 台灣
地點/台北當代藝術館MOCA Video(戶外大型電視牆)


2. 波蘭
地點/畢托姆市Kronika當代藝術中心(Kronika Center for Contemporary Arts, Bytom)

3. 塞爾維亞
地點/貝爾格勒文化中心(Belgrade Cultural Center, Belgrade)

4. 保加利亞
地點/ Vaska Emanouilova藝廊(索菲亞城市藝廊分館); Vaska Emanouilova Gallery ( Sofia City Art Gallery Branch), Sofia